If Kaname ever makes such a shy/embarrassed/blushy face, I will DIE. XD Happily die, too, from explosive nosebleed. XD XD *lol*
It's cute how he's got little joys in life like that, manicure for Yuuki... It's so sweet and moe as well...(And deliciously intimate~! 8D) That and the teasing "I won't stop" is cute as well, even though he'd naturally stop if she was truly bothered by it and not just all shy and embarrassed.
It's such a delightful scene.
Quando vi esta última imagem ia seriamente tento um ataque cardíaco, principalmente quando reparei que era a penúltima página do capítulo. Tenho que esperar o raio de um mês para ver no que esta troca de olhares vai dar depois de um ano sem se verem.
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