E vou ao Music Bank a Paris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
domingo, 13 de novembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2011
Para quem me segue aqui...
Sinto que ando a atraiçoar o meu Japão... já que desde, talvez, Março não tenho lido nenhum manga (à excepção de Bleach) ou visto nenhum anime, apesar de baixa los. Ando muito entretida com a Coreia ~ hehe
segunda-feira, 15 de agosto de 2011
City Hunter
Obrigada a quem deu a oportunidade ao Lee Min Ho para interpretar este tipo de papel.
quarta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2011
terça-feira, 9 de agosto de 2011
Respira fundo, muito fundo
Passou agora na TV um preview de "Você na TV" para amanha e deu o puto que ganhou "Uma canção para ti", Miguel Guerreiro, a cantar no Japão sabem com quem? Takanori Nishikawa (T..M.Revolution)!!!!
Eu só dizia "óh mãeeeee eu conheço aquele... e tu tb conheces porque eu já te mostrei músicas dele!!" ok, já me sinto mais leve *suspira*
segunda-feira, 8 de agosto de 2011
Eat Your Kimchi
domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011
Oh Eric ~
Odeio o facto de a série ser completamente diferente dos livros... é por isso que nem a vejo!
Mas ele... sem palavras! A minha personagem preferida ♥ Eu estaria igual à apresentadora se estivesse também à beira dele, hehe
sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011
quinta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2011
Super Junior - Mr. Simple
O MV está muito fixe apesar de ser o habitual deles. Mas a câmara faz uns movimentos diferentes que faz o vídeo ficar mais interessante.
[Agora o meu momento 15 anos: Leeteuk de crista!!!!! <3 Vou já guardar isto ara o meu telemóvel!!]
quarta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2011
Super Junior - Mr. Simple
2009 [review] On SHINee’s Vocals

SHINee’s Comeback – Full-force Spurt
* Taemin’s singing voice, revealed for the first time in the regular album, is not quite bad. Even so, it does not mean that his position in the team is now clear. Because he’s still at puberty. Now I think Taemin’s vocal might have been verified within SM much more than what has been exposed to us. Probably they haven’t exposed it simply because it is not stable yet.
* It could be a hint that they gave almost no role to him in the first (mini) album.
* We didn’t have to wait that long to see Taemin’s role come to the surface. One of the reasons I have waited for this member to play his own role is that (the team) needed him.
* If there were a problem (?) in SHINee’s team vocal, it would be that Jonghyun’s is too strong and too good. He doesn’t even sound like a new singer. Moreover he does Michael Jackson style R&B with quite a strong accent, so (his vocal) sticks out rather than embraces other members’. In view of voice color, Onew should form two tops with Jonghyun and balance it out, but their voice colors are completely in opposite ends.
* I haven’t had a chance to talk about Onew, but he owns a really good – in fact very rare voice color in Korea. I made a brief mention about this before, but his style is a standard pop ballad like Pat Boone. It’s quite amazing. SM is a company really proficient in such a thing.
* Pat Boone style and Michael Jackson style vocals forming one team, does this make sense? Well, it could. But in their early (until their last album) period, Onew had difficulty in doing rhythmical parts. It’s not because he’s not good, but it’s just the way things are. Like Pat Boone would have difficulty in singing Michael Jackson’s song. It would be amazing if he could do it well. However, SM is the world’s number one in that kind of training. So I had no doubt Onew would improve. Even so, the gap between Onew’s and Jonghyun’s syle is quite wide. Key stands far away from both, and they needed a member to be in-between. Taemin was the right person in his voice color. His voice has a R&B feel with an accent like Jonghyun but at the same time is more neutralized. So the whole vocal structure of SHINee depended on what role Taemin would do.
* Signs of Taemin’s vocal were quite good. First of all, it looked like he would digest (songs) quite wonderfully in sensuous ways. It was short, but he seemed to digest the nuance and style of R&B quite smoothly. He just lacked power. But this can be quite dangerous. If you lack power and sound – everything is useless. However, Taemin’s voice on Juliette performances shows power that turned a point. That much of basic power is enough. Now what he should do is to push further. That boy who works so doggedly will sure make it when it is the matter of a “part to be filled with effort”.
* Supposing Taemin starts filling his part to the full, it might be the right answer that he becomes SHINee’s main vocal. Then Jonghyun and Onew could express their own unique individualities much more freely. Then it could result in quite an interesting real picture.
*Just as was expected, Onew’s skill in adding beat onto rhythmical groove has become much more solid than in their last album, hasn’t it?
* Key is also very interesting. His sense is ‘Hip Hop’ style. To make a Hip Hop feel in the team with a relatively authentic R& B color. But to be so, Key needs to be stronger, but he hasn’t met the need. He should have caught up with Jonghyun’s R&B vocal at every moment, but he couldn’t do so as Jonghyun is so strong. However, he’s become more powerful this time. He has this smooth general flow and a very refined style hidden, so I look forward to the color sense he will contribute to the team in the future.
* Minho and Key’s rap has become much more flowing than before. But their rap tone does not match the vocalists’ tone. It looks like it will take more time. SM is not strong at rap. However, because they don’t follow the typical style of rap genre, it could sound more comfortable to those “music fans who prefer the vocal”. And once in a while there comes a very unique rapping. Like Micky Yoochun’s rap these days. I expect Minho and Key to make their own unique rapping that fits with SHINee’s style.
* How amazing it is for them to come back in such a new look in only a few months. Even SM doesn’t have a “medicine that drills a voice,” so it must have been quite a spurt for each member. I’m envious while being proud of them. Now with a frame made, I hope they could do well in the process of building and completing the frame, which is not an easy thing to do. The joy of watching their live has just begun.
[Nota pessoal: E não é isto que começamos a ver? Taemin está cada vez melhor e a aproximar-se do Onew e do Jonghyun, mas estes também estão a melhorar. Esta review é bem antiga, gostava que o mesmo MC os avalia-se agora.]
quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2011
É a vida
terça-feira, 26 de julho de 2011
segunda-feira, 25 de julho de 2011
domingo, 24 de julho de 2011
Jung Yeop - Nothing happened
Estou a precisar de Férias~
sábado, 23 de julho de 2011
Somos 4
Eu nº1 vai trabalhar para o Continente;
eu nº2 vai trabalhar para o cunhado;
eu nº3 vai trabalhar para o cabeleireiro
e finalmente o eu que mais gosto, o eu nº4 fica em casa a dormir até tarde, a fazer o que lhe apetece e a deitar se as horas que bem lhe dê na gana.
sexta-feira, 22 de julho de 2011
quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2011
quarta-feira, 20 de julho de 2011
terça-feira, 19 de julho de 2011
domingo, 17 de julho de 2011
Composer Jinu, “Jonghyun’s Voice Has Vintage Charm”

Composer Jinu (Hitchhiker), previously a member of Roller Coaster, paid a highest compliment to SHINee Jonghyun’s voice.
Jinu guest-appeared on KBS Radio Yu Heeyeol’s Radio Paradise on 15 July. It was his first appearance on a terrestrial broadcasting program in 8 years.
He said, “All the main vocalists of idol groups sing well, but SHINee’s Jonghyun has a vintage charm like a 52 year old fender guitar.”
[Star Today]quinta-feira, 14 de julho de 2011
American film producer Terence Chang impressed with Lee Min Ho’s acting

Is actor Lee Min Ho set to be the next Korean star to break through into Hollywood?
According to Starhaus Entertainment on July 14th, famous Hollywood producer Terence Chang visited the set of SBS’s “City Hunter” to observe Lee Min Ho and his acting potential. It was reported that Lee Min Ho also received the chance to personally greet and talk with Chang during his break.
Starhaus Entertainment stated, “Terence Chang told us he wanted to meet Lee Min Ho on set, even if he could only observe him from a distance. After seeing Lee Min Ho in real life and watching him act, he said he saw a lot of potential in him. Chang said he would love to work with him if the opportunity arises in the future.”
Lee Min Ho’s agency stated that no propositions were made regarding what kind of film Chang was planning or if Lee Min Ho were to take part in his next film, but the producer’s positive reaction towards Lee Min Ho showed signs of a promising future for the young actor.
Terence Chang is a Hong Kong and American film producer who is best known in Hollywood for his past action movies, “Mission Impossible 2″ and “Face Off”.
terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2011
49 Days
Comecei a baixa lo pelo actor Bae Soo Bin e porque foi escrito pelos mesmos de "Shining Inheritance". A estória em nada me desiludiu mas o último episódio não combina com o resto do drama.
Cresce Cresce
Tenho uns 5 dramas no forno a crescerem ~heheh
M&D - Close Your Mouth - Mnet 20's Choice
f(x) - Mirror Mirror (4MINUTE)
아이구 ~
segunda-feira, 11 de julho de 2011
domingo, 10 de julho de 2011
IU kisses Big Bang Taeyang (+ adorable reactions)
A reacção dela é demais!! Todos nós nos sentimos assim, às vezes, mas ela teve coragem de exteriorizar!! heheh
terça-feira, 5 de julho de 2011
domingo, 3 de julho de 2011
sábado, 2 de julho de 2011
sexta-feira, 1 de julho de 2011
quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2011
segunda-feira, 27 de junho de 2011
Singers’ Singing Trainer Cho Wants SHINee Jonghyun

Cho Hongkyung is a vocal trainer in Star King’s “The Vocal King of Miracle,” a project corner to cure the tone-deaf. He also trained Mnet Super Star K 2 top ten contestants and most recently MBC TV “Great Birth” top 3 contestants. Seo Inyoung, VOS, SG Wannabe’s Kim Jinho and Lee Seokhun, Yangpa, and Lee Kichan also received a vocal lesson from him. … He counted SHINee’s Jonghyun as the singer he wants to train most. He praised Jonghyun saying, “I even want to train him personally. I think Jonghyun could develop his voice more, but he doesn’t seem to know it. If he tries harder, he will be able to make diverse voices.”
domingo, 26 de junho de 2011
quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2011
CO-ED vs Block B
Tae Woon is a member of CO-ED SCHOOL. His younger brother is Ji Ho, mostly known under his stage name ZICO and is the main rapper and leader of boyband Block B.

terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2011
‘Worldwide’ SHINee, successful performance at Abbey Road Studios in UK, a sacred place of pop music!
‘Worldwide’ SHINee, successful performance at Abbey Road Studios in UK, a sacred place of pop music! The first step toward the global marketplace, great start for their debut in Japan!
SHINee made successful performances on their Japan debut showcase which is the first gateway into the global marketplace at Abbey Road Studios in UK, a sacred place of music as the first Asian singer.
SHINee had a showcase stage at Abbey Road Studios, London at 3:40 p.m. (local time) on 19 June. The showcase was held in London, in which EMI Music headquarters are located, to celebrate SHINee’s official debut in Japan. They performed for about 30 minutes in front of media and interested parties of the music industry.
Especially, it was unprecedented to have the first debut reception at Abbey Road Studios, a sacred place of music in which musicians such as Stevie Wonder and Brian Adams performed. This special plan was made for SHINee, a team set for global activities on the world stage. SHINee’s official debut in Japan is actually the first step toward their venture into the world, so considering the global team’s nature and color, they planned and pursued a differentiated showcase at Abbey Road Studios hand in hand with EMI Music Japan affiliated with EMI Music, a world-wide record company.
David Kassler, CEO of EMI Music (in Asia and Europe), stated, “SHINee has something overwhelming and unique, not found in the West, in appearance, style, and dance. I think they have potential to stand shoulder to shoulder with great artists in the future” and showed high interest and expectation for SHINee.
SHINee performed their Japanese debut song ‘Replay Kimi Wa Boku No everything,’ which is Japanese version of their Korean debut song ‘Replay' and the Japanese version of ‘Hello.’ They also attracted attention by singing their hit songs such as ‘Juliette,’ ‘Ring Ding Dong,’ and ‘Lucifer.’
In addition, SHINee specially arranged ‘Replay- Kimi Wa Boku No everything’ with the piano and string instrument and presented it under the title of ‘Replay- Kimi Wa Boku No everything- Abbey Road Special.’ The musician from London Metropolitan Orchestra who participated in movie soundtracks and performance of famous artists such as U2, Sting, Pet Shop Boys, Pink Floyd, etc.
After performing total 6 songs, SHINee garnered compliments from the attending interested parties of the music industry. Jonghyun who could not perform in the showcase due to high fever, participated in the last performance 「Replay-Kimi Wa Boku No everything- Abbey Road Special」 with his strong will and received a big applause.
Also, the UK fashion magazine, ELLE UK flooded with the inquiring calls for attending the showcase due to the news of SHINee’s performance at Abbey Road Studios. So ELLE UK collected entries of the readers who wanted to watch the performance and selected about 40 European fans in random drawings. The selected fans were the envy of many fans who had formed a long line around the Abbey Road Studios since morning.
After the showcase, a member from SHINee, KEY stated, “My mother is a fan of Beatles so I feel very pleased to perform at the place, where Beatles recorded, as the first Asian singer. I feel so proud to add a new history in this place where the history is breathing.When I saw the pictures of worldwide artists such as Beatles and Steive Wonder hanging on the Abbey Road Studios hallway, I wished we could hang our pictures on the hallway too and thought we should make a greater effort.” The leader, ONEW said, “If Paris is the birthplace of fashion then UK is the birthplace of pop music. It’s a pleasure and honor for SHINee to perform at the Abbey Road Studios, a sacred place of music, as the first Asian singer. Since we made a first step with the meaningful performance, SHINee will be highly active and will extend farther and farther away."
Meanwhile, SHINee will leave for Japan on 22nd after finishing their Japan debut showcase in London and start their promotion activities for their debut single ‘Replay.’ They will also participate in ‘MTV Music Video Award Japan (VMAJ)’ to be held at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan.
segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011
domingo, 19 de junho de 2011
sábado, 18 de junho de 2011
Super Junior Star Dance Battle 2010
Jonghyun - Lonely Night
(Tenho lido muitas críticas ao director do programa, que em todos episódios tem cortado muitas cenas dele. AiAi~ A banda original elogiou o tanto e só foi possivel assistir mos a isso através de fancams.)
sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2011
On June 19th, SHINee will be performing live at the legendary Abbey Road, made famous by The Beatles, to promote their Japanese debut. This may be a strange choice, considering Abbey Road Studios is in the heart of London, but the ramifications of their performing there is quite significant. In the past, acts like Bryan Adams, Coldplay, and Stevie Wonder have performed there. As aforementioned, when Abbey Road is spoken of, 99.9% of you will think of The Beatles.
To get fans more excited, SM Entertainment has released a promotional video that is a quick tour through the evolution of SHINee from “Replay” to “Replay” ending with some info on the Abbey Road promo appearance. If you are lucky enough to go to this event you are the envy of many a ShaWol as well as the envy of me.
quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2011
terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2011
Super Junior M - Perfection (Korean Version)
2PM - Tik Tok MV feat. Yoon Eun Hye
E ela é demais!!!
Só os coreanos para fazer um comercial de uma cerveja que parece um filme.
domingo, 12 de junho de 2011
sexta-feira, 10 de junho de 2011
sábado, 4 de junho de 2011
Immortal Song 2
After much anticipation especially coming hot on the heels of MBC’s “I Am A Singer“, KBS’s “Immortal Song 2” finally makes its debut on June 4th with their idol cast.
Idol stars are most often generalised as ‘3-second singers’ in present-day K-pop and this program will sought to dispel the belief among the general public, while at the same time, showing viewers a different side of the participating idol stars. The first cast of “Immortal Song” comprises of 2AM’s Changmin,Super Junior’s Yesung, SISTAR’s Hyorin, SHINee’s Jonghyun, B2ST’s Yoseob, and IU, with many other idol stars set to appear in future episodes.
“Immortal Song 2″ will have each contestant sing their version of songs just like on “I Am A Singer”, there will be no eliminations unlike the latter show. The six castmates will be judged by a 200-member audience and the first place singer will be named from those votes. Each singer will also received pointers and tips from the original artists of the songs they cover.
The mission for the first episode was to remake a hit song from Shim Soo Bong, who actually sang for the opening of the show and stayed behind to watch her juniors perform.
For the show’s first recording, the audience was filled with 30+ year olds because they’re the generation that can most accurately judge the performances.
O grande
Chateia me uma voz destas estar num grupo que usa tanto Auto-Tune.
Lindo de assistir:
Adoro esta música e ela faz um cover espectacular:
Segunda volta. JongHyun versus YeSung. Muito acho piada a reação das pessoas quando se sabe com quem o JongHyun vai competir. Alívio do resto dos participantes e preocupação tanto por parte do YeSung como pelo resto dos membros dos SHINee.
E como sempre JongHyun desmacha se a chorar quando descobre que ganhou. Além de terem apagado a luz ao outro ele acabou por ganhar a um sénior e amigo, que tem uma boa voz.
quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2011
Jonghyun (SHINee) - So Goodbye (City Hunter OST)
quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2011
terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2011
segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011
2AM - Can't Let You Go Even If I Die
Lotte Duty Free 'So I'm Loving You' 2011 Ver.
(E sim.... pode não parecer mas isto é uma publicidade!)
MV (뮤비) - Music Video (뮤직비디오) 1080p English Sub
롯데면세점 - So I'm Loving You / Lotte Duty Free - So I'm Loving You
~ Singers
Hyun Bin (현빈), JYJ, 2PM, Big Bang (빅뱅), Jang Geun Suk (장근석)
Kim Hyun Joong (김현중), Choi Ji Woo (최지우), Song Seung Hun (송승헌)
Singer : Various Artists
Single : So I'm Loving You
Date : 30 May 2011
domingo, 29 de maio de 2011
sexta-feira, 27 de maio de 2011
terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2011
SamDong & JinGook
Taecyeon~ Aigoo, que belo sorriso. Já o adorei ver em "Cinderella's Sister" e aqui foi demais~ Quando andar de moto pela primeira vez exijo que seja ele a dar me a boleia.
Não posso deixar de lado o Kim Soo Hyun. Não o conhecia antes, mas também tem um belo sorriso. E o papel que ele faz, faz dele ainda mais querido.
Only Hope
Mas a série não é sobre romance é sobre sonhos. E todos eles foram realizados, de certa maneira... e acabasse a adorar o final! Até mesmo as decisões românticas que ela toma (adoro a conversa que ela tem o Song quando ele vai para os EUA).
O Taecyeon revela que tem muito jeito para ser actor e o Kim Soo Hyun tem um sotaque muito bem feito.
Tem momentos musicais lindos que dá vontade de ver tudo de novo!
terça-feira, 17 de maio de 2011
segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011
Skip-Beat! (Extravagant Challenge)
Agora ganhei mais um bocadinho de coragem e peguei n'O Conde de Monte Cristo. Suspeito que aquilo é maior que a bíblia, tendo a certeza que é mais interessante, pois tem quase 900 páginas com letras minúsculas que se eu não tivesse ido mudar de óculos ia ter um problema em lê las.
domingo, 8 de maio de 2011
Festa do Pijama
E eu em vez de a adormecer outra vez "parto me" a rir. Eu cheiinha de sono e ela toda bem disposta a pôr a conversa em dia comigo.
Lucifer is one of the Best Masterpieces in SM History
“Super Junior and SNSD are SM’s A-side, SHINee and f(x) are B-side. SHINee broke down the boundary with Lucifer (perhaps one of the best masterpieces in SM history) in an exquisite way.”
sábado, 7 de maio de 2011
quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2011
Era uma da manhã quando, supostamente, me ia deitar quando vi que tinha que arrumar um vestido novo no sítio. Coloco o na cruzeta fico a olhar "ok, o guarda-roupa está dessarrumado para este vestido...". Resumindo tirei tudo de lá de dentro e voltei a colocar direitinho. O engraçado é que faço sempre isto quando tenho roupa nova para arrumar. Por muito organizado que o guarda-roupa esteja eu ateimo que ele esta desarrumado.
segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2011
Já vou no 5º...
domingo, 1 de maio de 2011
TVXQ - Keep Your Head Down
Estou encantada com a voz do Changmin.
sábado, 30 de abril de 2011
Mais um vez... Taemin. Não é por ser o meu preferido, porque sinceramente nem eu sei quem é, mas é por ser o mais novo, por ser aquele que mais evolução "à frente das câmaras" vai ter. ~Divagando~
No primeiro vídeo vemos o facto de ele desejar um dia ser tão bom como o Onew e o Jonghyun. Como ele diz "pelo menos como eles estão agora, porque sei que eles ainda vão ser melhores".
No segundo vídeo vemos a potencialidade que ele tem. Na ausência do Jonghyun é ele que o substitui em grande parte. Não é perfeito mas a chama está lá.
h:If someone around you dreams of being a singer, what is your advise for them?
t:At first, i wanna tell them that they have to give up A to get B.
As for me, i've lost touch with many old friends,
because i wanted to be a singer since long ago so i was really busy for that.
It was my decision but i feel a bit sad sometime.
h:Ok, so they have to give up A to get B.
It seems your brothers are sad for you.
m:No, it's just so cute.
k:Yes, it's really adorable.
h:Do you really feel like that? Although you guys are a team? haha
m:Of course. haha
k:No matter what he says, i just wannt say "oh really??"(like talking to babys haha it was so cute)
h:Oh, really?? even though you guys see each other every day??
k:Nomarlly, we don't chat this way."To gat A, you have to give up B"
But when we have interview, taemin often talk like this.
Then, he's just so adorable. i can't stand.
h:So how is your life? when you guys are together
Have you ever fought with each other?
k,t:No, not once.
t:not yet.
k:not yet?? right, we don't know what's gonna happen cuz we are five guys hahaha
"Anyone noticed the quite resemblance between Taemin and Jonghyun's voice? XD"
Show Lo - Yeah...So, I Was Infuriated
(à uns meses ele soube que no dia de assinar uns autógrafos iria estar a chuver e comprou com o dinheiro dele um abrigo para quando os fãs estivessem à espera!)
sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2011
quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2011
quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2011
SHINee to Become First Asian Artist to Perform Live at London’s Abbey Road Studios

terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2011
SHINee - Get It
SHINee dancing with SNSD
Os bilhetes ficaram à venda às 10h francesas, 9h em portugal, e às 9h05m já não havia bilhetes de 51€ e de 67€. Quando tentamos os de 87€ e de 110€ também já nao havia. Duas horas depois tinhamos a mensagem oficial "Esgotado"!!
segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2011
sexta-feira, 22 de abril de 2011
quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2011
quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2011
"Beastly" de Alex Flinn
Quer muito ir, mas precisa de companhia!!!
SM revealed on the 20th, “SMTown World Tour that’s has been held in Seoul, LA, Tokyo, Shanghai, etc, will also be held in ‘Le Zenith de Paris’, which is located in France, Paris, on June 10th. They plan to meet the music fans in Paris”.
SM Entertainment is first Korean entertainment company to hold a joint concert in Europe.
The venue that the concert will be held in, ‘Le Zenith de Paris’, is also famous as a stage that world star singers like Ne-Yo, PCD, and the Jonas Brothers have performed in.
The SM artists that will participate in Paris performance include: TVXQ, Super Junior, Girls’ Generation, SHINee, and f(x) are the leaders of the K-pop sensation in Europe. Because it’s the first performance that popular K-pop singers will be holding in Paris, this will gain attention from music fans from Europe.
Also, last January, France TV Channel 2TV reported the hHallyu sensation with SM artists mainly.
SM Entertainment revealed “Through this Paris performance, through Asia, they plan to get their artists to have global activities using a variety of networking”.
terça-feira, 19 de abril de 2011
"Dead and Gone"
Eric, Waiting Sucks!
segunda-feira, 18 de abril de 2011
sábado, 16 de abril de 2011
sexta-feira, 15 de abril de 2011
SHINee - Life - 1st Concert in Japan
SHINee - AMIGO (Rock Version) - 1st Concert in Japan
SHINee - The SHINee World (DooBop) - 1st Concert in Japan
quarta-feira, 13 de abril de 2011
SHINee - Ready or Not - Live
SHINee - Quasimodo (live)
Vocal professionals rank the best and worst singing idol groups and members
There are four sets of results in total: two for the best and worst singing idol groups, and two for the best and worst singing idol group members. A simple point system was used to record the results.
2AM came in 1st place for the best singing idol group with a total of 11 points, which was achieved partly by their hit song ‘Can’t Let You Go Even if I Die‘. “The lead singers and sub-vocalists are able to keep their voices stable at any given part of any song, and their talents are all just about even.”
Big Bang achieved 2nd place with a total of 8 points and their reviews read, “Due to their great musical skills, and a spectacular continuation of team effort, they scored well.” Coming in 3rd place for the best singing idol groups are the Brown Eyed Girls with 6 points. “Their live singing pitch and breath has always been maintained very well. Emotions are also expressed well.”
In joint 3rd places were SHINee and TVXQ; the former are able to maintain a stable pitch and breathing while singing live while the latter are expressive.
Next up comes the best singing idol group members.
1st place was awarded to JYJ’s Junsu, who topped the list with 13 points. “The rhythm that Junsu expresses in each song is magnificent.” 2nd place ended in a tie between SNSD’s Taeyeon and SISTAR’s Hyorin, who both ended up with 9 points. “Some may argue that one of the two is better then the other, however each of them display a fantastic vocal range. Heartfelt emotions can be observed even when the two are singing pop songs.”
3rd place also resulted in a tie between 2AM’s Changmin and SHINee’s Jonghyun, both receiving 6 points each. Changmin’s comment read, “Talented vocals and spectacular use of breath,” while Jonghyun’s comment read, “Impressive singing ability, being able to sing a wide range of music well is a hard feat to achieve.”
SHINee - SHINee World
(neste vídeo o meu único comentário: tão novinhos!!!!!)
sábado, 9 de abril de 2011
Taemin, Momo?
sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2011
Kyuhyun e Clarice - A Whole New World
quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2011
Key, the unofficial member of all girl groups!
terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2011
"I Am Number Four" de Pittacus Lore

"Shiver" de Maggie Stiefvater

"Lolita" de Vladimir Nabokov

domingo, 3 de abril de 2011
Saber Marionette j - opening
SHINee - Lucifer
SHINee - Juliette
sexta-feira, 1 de abril de 2011
quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2011
Katy Perry - E.T.
quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2011
Nota Pessoal
sexta-feira, 25 de março de 2011
quinta-feira, 24 de março de 2011
Love me Not
Fiquei tão entalada com o filme que parecia que me ia faltar o ar~